Cosul de cumparaturi este gol
CumparaIngrediente: cafea macinata 100% arabica
Grad de prajire: 5 - Dark & Seductive
Gramaj: 200 gr
Ambalaj: punga semi-presurizata, sigilata la cald
Dupa deschidere, se pastreaza in frigider inchisa ermetic
Origine: America Latina, Africa si Republica Indonezia, amestec cu gust de alune si ciocolata neagra
Certificate: Rainforest Alliance, Fairtrade
Furnizor: Taylors of Harrogate - Anglia, Furnizor al Casei Regale din UK
Origine: America Latina, Africa, Indonesia
Get closer - and embrace the evening. This is coffee at its most seductive, an intimate blend roasted deep, dark and slow to tease out sensuous flavours of cocoa and brown sugar. It's perfect reason to invite somebody back.
100% Arabica - Grown at a higher elevation Arabica Beans have a less bitter taste and are widely considered the better bean
Suitable For Coffee Machines and Cafetieres