Cosul de cumparaturi este gol
Cumpara19,80 lei
Amestec de 3 varietati ceai negru din topul celor importante gradini de ceai din lume. 20 pliculete, ambalate individual Rainforest certified 50 g
18,90 lei
Here's a miraculous tea that tastes like biscuits - because when those two flavours combine, the resulting deliciousness creates a wave of happiness big enough to power an entire human being! It's a magical mug of biscuity goodness that doesn't get crumbs on your jumper. 40 pliculete, neambalate individual Rainforest certified 112g
31,60 lei
Amestec de 3 varietati ceai negru din topul celor importante gradini de ceai din lume. Gramaj: ceai negru frunze, 250 kg Rainforest certified
17,90 lei
Amestec de 3 varietati ceai negru din topul celor importante gradini de ceai din lume. Este unul dintre cele mai premiate si apreciate ceaiuri de la Taylors, si acest fapt se datoreaza in mod special calitatii superioare a frunzelor de ceai, dar si priceperii maestrilor in realizarea unui amestec desavarsit. Este al doilea cel mai bine vandut brand de ceai...
18,90 lei
Here's a nice relaxing cup of Yorkshire Tea Decaf that you can happily drink before bed. And because it's for bedtime, we've put some lovely herbs and spices in it to make it extra cosy. It's like a great big warm hug from your favourite bear (assuming you have a favourite bear). Decaffeinated black tea with herbs, spices and natural...
186,90 lei
Amestec de 3 varietati ceai negru din topul celor importante gradini de ceai din lume. 200 pliculete, ambalate individual Rainforest certified 625 g
169,70 lei
Amestec de 3 varietati ceai negru din topul celor importante gradini de ceai din lume. 200 pliculete, ambalate individual Rainforest certified 625 g