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Cafea Boabe "Decaffé" - 1KG

144,00 lei

Ingrediente: cafea boabe 100% arabica decofeinizata

Grad de prajire: 4

Gramaj: 1 kg

Ambalaj: punga semi-presurizata, sigilata la cald

Dupa deschidere, se pastreaza in frigider inchisa ermetic

Origine: Brazilia si Mexic

Certificate: Rainforest Alliance, Fairtrade

Furnizor: Taylors of Harrogate - Anglia

Gust catifelat si perfect echilibrat. Este cafeaua fara cofeina cea mai apreciata in UK si a treia cea mai bine vanduta cafea de la Taylors.

Cafeina este scoasa prin spalari succesive cu jet de apa pura pana la eliminarea totala a cafeinei, nu se folosesc solventi, ceea ce contribuie la pastratea integrala a aromei. Prajirea delicata si in cantitati mici adauga un gust catifelat cu note te malt si o nota finala fina de caramel.

Instructiuni de utilizare: Rasniti de fiecare data numai cantitatea de cafea necesara. O lingurita de cafea proaspat rasnita trebuie folosita pentru o cana de cafea.

Grad de rasnire ideal:
Mediu pentru cafetiera
Fin pentru filtru
Extra fin pentru espressor

"We’re not talking about just any decaffeinated coffee here. Our Decaffé is a delicious medium dark roast blend of outstanding Brazilian and Mexican Arabica beans with plenty of flavour but none of the caffeine.

It’s purer than other decafs because we use a special Pure Water Process. We gently draw the caffeine from the raw beans using pure water enriched with natural sugars and minerals found within coffee. We then repeat the process again and again until no caffeine remains. It takes time but we think it’s trouble worth going to.

It probably explains why Decaffé is the country’s favourite decaf and Taylors of Harrogate’s third biggest selling coffee. One of the greatest compliments we get is that people often can’t tell it’s a decaf."